The July issue of Military History Monthly, the British military history magazine, is on sale today.
In the latest issue we cover:
Richard III Special:
THE KILLING: How did Richard III die?
With the full horror of the close-quarters mêlée in which the last Yorkist king was cut down recently brought to light, MHM editor Neil Faulkner analyses the grim reality of 15th-century battle.
THE EVIDENCE: Bosworth: an ‘imagined’ battle?
Chris Skidmore revisits the Battle of Bosworth, questioning the original sources and drawing on the latest archaeological evidence.
History of the British Army – Imphal, 8 March-3 July 1944
MHM concludes its history of the British Army from 1645 to 1945 with an analysis of the battle that launched Britain’s surge to victory against Imperial Japan at the end of WWII.
Gettysburg: Part 2 – The First Day
Julian Brazier continues this four-part series with a detailed analysis of the unplanned opening clashes on 1 July 1863.
Birth of the Red Devils – The Bruneval Raid, 27-28 February 1942
Taylor Downing tells the story of the first successful British Para operation.
Naval Gunpower – From the Armada to Trafalgar
David Porter begins a two-part history of naval gunnery with a discussion of developments from 1500 to 1815.
Also in this issue:
Back to the Drawing Board, Book Reviews, Museum Review, Your Military History, Travel: Alderney, Museums Guide, and much more.
From the editor
Neil Faulkner, Editor/n
The historical accounts of Bosworth are scanty, yet miles of print have been published on the battle that founded the Tudor dynasty and launched England into the modern world. Is there really anything more to say?
It would seem so. Archaeologists armed with metal-detectors have scoured the battlefield and established that it was not fought where everyone assumed. Other archaeologists have dug up the remains of the defeated Yorkist king and used them to provide a blow-by-blow account of his dying moments.
Military historian Chris Skidmore, meantime, has been drilling down into the ancient sources to conjure an alternative history -indeed, to question whether we have any reliable history of the battle at all.
We have linked articles this issue summarising the new thinking about Bosworth.
Also, David Porter begins a two-part series on naval gunnery with an article tracing developments from the Armada to Trafalgar, while Julian Brazier continues his four-parter on the Battle of Gettysburg with a blow-by-blow account of the fighting on the first day.
Finally, we have two Second World War stories. Taylor Downing reports on the little-known Bruneval Raid in February 1942, Britain’s first successful paratroop operation, and our long-running British Army series ends with an analysis of Imphal, the epic defensive battle on the Burma–India border in early 1944 (though do not miss next month’s epilogue, when we assess the evolution of the Army since 1945).