Current Archaeology LIVE!
Current Archaeology Live! is an annual conference that tells you all you need to know about the latest discoveries from Britain and abroad. We hear from the foremost archaeological experts on recent finds and ground-breaking research.

It is always an entertaining, stimulating and enjoyable event, attended by over 400 people every year.
Our previous conferences have been great successes - below are a few of your comments. We look forward to seeing you all again at this coming one!
Exceeded expectations. I was expecting a lot and got more – it’s good to have access to good speakers and key personnel in the projects.
I flew all the way from Dubai for the conference and thoroughly enjoyed every presentation. It was an excellent weekend in a superb building with great biscuits.
I’ve been to every conference: I always expect to enjoy it, and I always do.
The event exceeded our expectation. We have an amateur interest in archaeology, mainly through television, and did have a concern that the event might be overly academic. This was not borne out, and we thought that all the speakers delivered interesting sets with Time Team presentation skills – and I mean that in a good way!
The organisers are to be congratulated for putting on a stimulating and wide-ranging programme.

What to expect
Take a look at a snapshot of the Current Archaeology Live! conference, held every year in February or March at Senate House, London.